tbs* | Empowerment and Well-being

A 12-month program for regenerative exchange and knowledge building around discrimination and microaggressions in the workplace.

tbs* | Empowerment and Well-being

Our "to belonging space" (tbs*) offers a first step toward building a new work culture through collegial exchange with other FLINTA* (women*/ females/ non-binary individuals) on the topics of empowerment, resilience, wellbeing and dealing with discrimination and microaggressions in the workplace.

About tbs*

The 12 month program takes place online, includes 12 expert workshops and provides a space for empowerment, reflection, inspiration, knowledge exchange, psychological support and collective work.

tbs* will be held the last Thursday of every month, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm CET,  in German and English (via simultaneous translation). It is intended specifically for BIPOC and white women*/FLINTA* (see definitions below), with and without disabilities and/or chronic illnesses.

Who is the tbs* intended for:

BIPOC, migrant, and white FLINTA individuals* with and without disabilities and/or chronic illnesses.

The next round of the tbs* starts on August 31, 2023 and the application deadline is August 21, 2023!


At tbd*, we continuously ask ourselves what constitutes a working world in which everyone feels accepted and comfortable and where their skills and competencies can flourish. What does it take to create truly modern, healthy and inclusive workplace structures? 

The foundation of today’s workplaces are still built on the structures that were historically patriarchal, racist, sexist, and ableist. This leads to reproductions of these structures within our organizations, to tensions and injuries through discriminatory language and/or behavior. In turn, this affects our well-being and sense of self.

Microaggressions, i.e., perceived discriminatory and intrusive expressions in everyday communication at and on the way to the workplace, in dealing with colleagues, executives, investors, shareholders, and customers, are challenging and often burdensome experiences for those affected. Increased experience of discrimination can ultimately lead to deeper internalizations, imparting self-doubt and disrupting self-worth. Feelings such as anger, disappointment, fear, frustration, and sometimes inward-directed doubts and discomfort can arise. Studies show that women and those who face discrimination are at the highest risk of burning out. Self-doubt has been found to greatly contribute to the risk of burnout. To appropriately address these issues within the team, with affected individuals, and with provocateurs/offenders, we often lack the spaces, expertise, experience, and capacity.

Through nearly 10 years of working with thousands of social impact organizations, we have identified four key elements when it comes to creating the workplaces of the future: Belonging, Purpose, Impact, and Well-being. With that in mind, we are excited and honored to be offering the second round of our "to belonging space" (tbs*). tbs* offers a first step toward building a new work culture through collegial exchange with other FLINTA* (women*/ females/ non-binary individuals) on the topics of empowerment, resilience, wellbeing and dealing with discrimination and microaggressions in the workplace. Through a series of workshops, input sessions, reflection exercises, networking groups and open exchange, you will be equipped with a toolkit full of practical methods and culture hacks for dealing with incidents of discrimination in the workplace (and beyond) so that you can advocate for yourself and your team.

The tbs* takes place online and provides a safe space for empowerment, reflection, inspiration, knowledge exchange, psychological support and collective work through inputs from experts who themselves are affected by multiple forms of discrimination.

Our tbs* is a first attempt to unite BIPoC and white FLINTA, as well as founders and leaders with and without disabilities and/or chronic illness, to continuously learn and test new perspectives and action strategies in community. The online program follows methods of empowerment and power sharing, is intended to encourage and give courage to express one's own vulnerability in a learning framework, as well as to strengthen self-confidence and action skills. 


tbs* is a 12-month online program that focuses on two overarching themes:


  • Contributions from experts in the field of:
    • Racism and intersectionality
    • Sexism and intersectionality
    • Queerphobia and intersectionality
    • Ableism and intersectionality


  • Topics: resilience and well-being
  • The content is based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which are also applied in psychosomatic clinics and are evidence-based, meaning they have been proven to enhance individual resilience.
  • Led by Black psychotherapist Soraida Velazquez Reve.

Program & Methods:

  • 12 expert-led workshops/lectures, followed by Q&A and then break out rooms with smaller groups for discussion, followed a cozy close out and debriefing
  • All expert inputs will be recorded 
  • The main language will be German, however there will be simultaneous translation into English through a separate audio access point
  • By the end of the year, you will be equipped with a toolkit full of practical methods and useful tips for dealing with discriminatory incidents in the workplace (and beyond), so you can apply them yourself 
  • You will receive psychological support from a coach throughout the sessions
  • Listening circles for specific incidents of discrimination in the workplace so that you can share in a safe space with people who have been affected by this discrimination themselves. This small group exchange provides time for a personal "open" exchange with affected individuals about work-related challenges and experiences of discrimination
  • You will receive a contact list of professional counseling services and literature/video/social media recommendations on specific content 
  • tbd* also offers a monthly lunch break where our coach will provide brief inputs on wellbeing and small group sharing
  • tbs* takes place on every last Thursday of the month, always from from 3:00pm - 4:30pm CET (plus an additional 30 min. closing time for those who wish to stay)

Meet the Experts

Credit: Andi Weiland


Ellen Wagner

Hedda Knoll

Malak Paschke

Mashanti Alina Hodzode

Miriam Stark


Credit: private

Additional Information

  • Start date: August 31, 2023
  • 12 online sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm CET
  • tbs* will be held every last Thursday of the month, except in December: December 14, 2023
  • Each input from the experts will be recorded and accessible for one month
  • Simultaneous translation in English through a separate audio access
  • registration deadline: 21.08.23

Registration & Contact

Joline Rosado

To register, please send an email to "belonging@tbd.community".

Who is the tbs* intended for:

BIPOC, migrant, and white FLINTA individuals* with and without disabilities and/or chronic illnesses.


To belonging* is one of our four pillars and our next step in rethinking and acting on the topic of anti-discrimination. What does this mean? The focus on belonging* aims to create spaces for marginalized voices, connection, and exchange in the common-good sector. It is the creation of a blueprint for the workplace of the future, a workplace that prioritizes purpose, people, and inclusivity for all—regardless of gender, race, disabilities, and/or sexuality. Participants are encouraged to show themselves as their authentic selves.

Creating inclusive spaces:

Together with our experts, we are committed to creating a truly inclusive space. We welcome any feedback, recommendations, or support needs.