Cooperation and Foundations Officer (m/f/d) Tafel Deutschland e.V. Berlin Full-Time / Part-Time German Salary: in Anlehnung an TVöD EG 11
Editorial consultant (m/f/d) Tafel Deutschland e.V. Berlin Full-Time / Part-Time German Salary: in Anlehnung an TVöD EG11
Project worker for migration and flight (m/f/d... Save the Children Deutschland e.V. Berlin Full-Time German Salary: 3.450-3.650EUR (brutto/ Monat)
Pedagogy Lead (m/f/d) 42 Wolfsburg/Berlin e.V. Wolfsburg Full-Time English Salary: 48.000-60.000EUR (gross/year)
Acquisition and training officer in the traini... EXEO e.V. Lübeck Full-Time / Part-Time German Salary: verhandelbar
Finance Officer (m/f/d) W3_Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V. Hamburg Full-Time German
Minijob Coordination Location (m/f/d) Start with a Friend e.V. Essen Part-Time / Student German Salary: 556EUR / Monat
Minijob placement (m/f/d) Start with a Friend e.V. Bremen Part-Time / Student German Salary: 556EUR / Monat
HR Assistant (m/f/d) Albert Schweitzer Stiftung für unsere Mitwelt Berlin Part-Time German Salary: 32.000-34.000 EUR brutto/Jahr
27 Junior Professional Officer (JPO) positions... Bundesagentur für Arbeit WORLDWIDE Full-Time German
Public Relations Officer (m/f/d) LobbyControl - Initiative für Transparenz und Demokratie e. V. Berlin Full-Time / Part-Time German