The fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and we’re here for it. Education is a fundamental human right and is also necessary for the achievement of many of the other SDGs. We’re only able to empower girls, combat climate change, fight inequality and end extreme poverty if there is access to education for all.
Similarly, youth support services are essential as young people are often among the most vulnerable members of society. As a starting point, we must ensure that children receive basic necessities like shelter, nutrition and protection from abuse. However, it’s also important that all young people, regardless of their socio-economic background, are provided with the opportunity to achieve their full potential and become leaders in their lives and within society.
Fortunately, there are thousands of organizations working to bolster education and provide support to vulnerable young people across Germany, with many bringing digital tools and innovations to the area.
Here are some of the English-language organizations working in the field of education:
- Sofatutor
- REDI School
- Digital Careers Institute
- Klab Berlin
- Career Foundry
- Babbel
- Le Wagon
Education-focused organizations that work in German:
- Deutsche Kinder und Jugend Stiftung
- Veedu
- Teach First
- Education Y
- SchulePLUS
- Librileo
- Querstadtein
- Chancenwerk e.V.
- Global Match e.V.
- Kiron Open Higher Education
- Joblinge
- Kontrapunkt
- LVB Lernen e.V.
- Mehr als Lernen
- Serlo Education e.V.
- SOS Kinderdorf
- SozDia Stiftung
- Sarah Wiener Stiftung
- Volunteer Vision
- Wortlaut Sprachwerkstatt
- Zukunft Plus
- Rock your Company + Rock your Life