While migration has occurred during almost every period of history for a wide variety of social, political and economic reasons, the number of forcibly displaced people has skyrocketed in recent years. According to the UN Refugee Agency, 68.5 million people were displaced as of the end of 2017, that’s more than the entire population of the UK forced from their homes and often denied access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, employment and freedom of movement.
Organizations that work in this area usually support migrants or refugees in adjusting to their new living situation through the provision of education, legal or counseling services, often connecting them with local community groups. Some also work on economic empowerment initiatives targeted at helping new arrivals get their lives off the ground upon arrival in a new country.
English-language organizations working in migrant and refugee support:
- Kiron Open Higher Education
- REDI School
- Digital Careers Institute
- MigrationHub
- Give Something Back to Berlin
Below you’ll find a comprehensive list of organizations working in Germany to support refugees and/or migrants:
- Social-Bee
- Pro Asyl
- Turning Tables
- Über den Tellerrand e.V.
- Jobs4Refugees
- Orienthelfer e.V.
- Refugee Law Clinics
- Flüchtlinge Willkommen
- Sea Watch e.V.
- Bantabaa
- Mimycri
- Sharehaus Refugio
- Asyl Plus
- Betterplace