The social impact scene in this city has developed strongly in recent years. Ehrenfeld and the Belgian Quarter are the districts where you'll find the most action in this area, from high-growth, sustainable companies (like Armedangels, Ergobag or Next Kraftwerke) to collaborative initiatives (like Allerweltshaus or Agora Köln) based there.
Ehrenfeld is also home to the Colabor, a community office founded in 2012 and a hub for people committed to social and sustainable change. They regularly organise events to bring together local NGOs, companies and freelancers who are committed to positive change.
With the Forum Freie Lastenräder, the Initiative Aufbruch Fahrrad or the Tag des guten Lebens, Cologne has also set national accents.
Organizations based in Cologne:
- Agora Köln / Tag des guten Lebens
- Allerweltshaus
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe e.V. (AGEH)
- Armedangels
- Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
- Cap Anamur Deutsche Notärzte e.V.
- Das Gute Ruft: Kreativagentur für Sozialunternehmen & NGOs
- Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft DEG
- enactus
- Energiegewinner
- Ergobag
- Fairtrade Deutschland
- Forum Freie Lastenräder
- Forum Food & Nachhaltigkeit
- Islamic Relief
- Lobby Control
- eva gGmbH
- Kolping International
- Malteser Deutschland / Malteser International
- Medica Mondiale
- Migrafrica
- Misereor (Aachen)
- Next Kraftwerke
- The Good Food
- Radkomm / Aufbruch Fahrrad
- Rhein Flanke gGmbH
- Shipsheip
- Social Value GmbH
- Zero Waste Köln