The Earth’s environment is a collection of interconnected, precious and sensitive ecosystems. Sustainability refers to work in which these ecosystems are ensured support and protection. Such work focuses on a range of important issues, from lowering carbon emissions to tackling food waste. The UK’s sustainability sector has grown rapidly over the past decade and today represents an exciting area for those passionate about changing the world for the better.

Today's sustainability trends

As a broad area encompassing many facets and which is constantly evolving, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to sustainability. There are, however, a few key topics which have been gaining traction in the UK and further afield of late.

First up - plastic pollution. Plastic products are embedded in almost every aspect of our daily lives. However, the true magnitude of the pollution that this ubiquitous substance causes has only become apparent recently. In response to the plastic crisis, we've seen hundreds of initiatives emerge - ranging from cosmetics packaging made from recycled ocean plastics to innovative substitutes for plastic straws and cups.

Another issue at the heart of sustainability is food waste. And with one-third of the world's food being wasted, leaving millions starving and generating 3.3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases, it's no wonder. But don't despair - sustainable solutions combating food waste are in no short supply. They include the creation of beer from surplus bread and an app which enables you to share your extra food with neighbours.

Want to find out more? 
You can read inspiring articles and interviews on the latest trends in this area on our dedicated sustainability page.

Below you’ll find the top UK-based organisations at which you can find inspiring work in the area of sustainability:

Friends of the Earth

Women’s Environmental Network


Forum for the Future


Too Good to Waste

Environmental Justice Foundation

Carbon Clear


Earth Trust

Carbon Trust

This is Rubbish

Climate KIC

Simply Sustainable

Winnow Solutions




Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership

Green Lab



Interested in study opportunities related to sustainability? Why not check out the UK’s top sustainability postgraduate programmes?

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